Osnove njege kose/Basic hair care

Što više poznajemo svoju kosu i kako ona reagira na određene preparate i tehnike, to nam je zdravija, mekša i ljepša. Kako bi imale osnove njege kose na jednom mjestu, ovdje sam navela neke od važnih postova koji će vam pomoći u pravilnoj njezi kose.

The more we know our hair and how it reacts to different products and tehniques, it is more healthier, softer and more beautiful. To have all basics in one place, here I have put some of the important posts to help you in proper hair care.


(7 golden tricks for more beautiful curly hair)

(Proper care for dry and damaged hair)

Poroznost kose:

(Hair porosity)

(How to determin hair porosity and why it is important)


(Ingredience in hair products and their importance)

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